Clinical Hypnotherapy
“I’m 6 years old, a beautiful, little girl with black hair aboard a domestic flight. Dad and I. Looking out the window. The flight takes off now. The clouds look majestic. Some time goes on, but oh, wait, something’s not right! We have been asked to stay in our seats and put our seatbelts on. Everyone seems scared. Dad is asking me to stay calm and take deep breaths, before the announcement interrupts his voice: an emergency landing due to a technical glitch. I am afraid, crying, holding dad’s arm and deciding never to take the plane again.”- So spoke the 40 year old lady in her hypnosis session with me, having taken the first step to overcome her Fear of Flying. Earlier in the morning, she had talked to me about this fear becoming a hindrance in her life.
Interestingly, she knew that travelling by air is one of the safest modes of travel. But for her, flying was not flying. It was fear, anxiety and panic all rolled into one. Simply put, while it was easier to run away at the sight of a plane, it was not so feasible to do so, given the requirements of her job. This fear of flying had always been like an uninvited guest since a young age for her, but the reasons had always remained unknown. However, we soon discovered them in her subsequent sessions with me.
But you need not accept and start living with such fears in life. These can be worked upon, and this is just what we did: with the help of Clinical Hypnotherapy, suggestibility, and a tool that would allow her to induce a feeling of relaxation when she began to feel anxious, we worked upon her fear. The next time she visited me after about a month, she comfortably took a flight from Mumbai to Delhi.
Fears and Phobias are just one aspect of the success we have had. We have had immense success in areas like Fertility too. A couple who could not conceive for 13 years inspite of taking all mainstream treatment, were able to conceive just after a few sessions with us. Even an Autistic child started showing huge signs of improvement in her speech and behaviour after only a few sessions.
Other areas where we have achieved success so far include Relationships, Pain, Weight, Stress, Addiction, Negativity, Depression, Low Self Esteem, Guilt & Grief, Lack of Confidence, Nightmares, Performance & Motivation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Traumas & Abuse etc.
Hopefully, this article would have given you a clear perspective about Clinical Hypnotherapy. Please feel free to send in your queries to us at or call us at +91 9818761112.
The author of this article, Ms. Richa Agarwal is a Senior Consultant at Mindspring - A multi-speciality Alternate Healing & Research Center.

MindSpring is a professional body dedicated to excellence in providing a unique offering of end to end healing through a scientific and integrate approach.
Richa Agarwal Clinical Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Fertility Consultant, Hypnotherapy Trainer, Life Skills Coach Member - IMDHA, AHA, HMI & NGH