It is that time of the year again especially for school students when they have to appear for their Final exams. And what starts building up is Anxiety.
What is Anxiety?

What is Exam Anxiety?
It can be defined as a state of uneasiness, nervousness, or distress before or during an exam and it often lowers performance.Exam anxiety is like an epidemic among students worldwide.
Symptoms of Exam Anxiety
1. Physical Symptoms:Be aware of Physical Symptoms like headache, tense muscles, nausea, fast heartbeat or trouble in breathing, cramps, sweating, dry mouth, shaking, "Butterflies" in the stomach etc.
2. Emotional Symptoms:
Symptoms of Exam Anxiety
1. Physical Symptoms:Be aware of Physical Symptoms like headache, tense muscles, nausea, fast heartbeat or trouble in breathing, cramps, sweating, dry mouth, shaking, "Butterflies" in the stomach etc.
2. Emotional Symptoms:
Exam anxiety does not only effect you physically but also emotionally you are caught by it. And this is something not to be ignored. Few symptoms that can help you become aware of emotional anxiety are anger, feeling of helplessness, hopelessness, depression, disappointment, excessive fear, crying or laughing uncontrollably and so on.
3. Cognitive Symptoms:
3. Cognitive Symptoms:
Exam anxiety also impacts on our cognitions / thoughts and this can have a lifelong effect on you. Few cognitive symptoms can be avoidance, getting distracted easily, racing thoughts, difficulty in concentrating, getting frustrated easily, blanking out answers to the questions even though you know the content and have the information, negative self talks....
Tips to reduce Exam Anxiety:
Preparation - Organization - Practice
Tips to reduce Exam Anxiety:
Preparation - Organization - Practice
Simple. I know this. This is common sense. Yes, it is but still most students suffer from Exam Anxiety. Moreover, it's not only about them it is also about their families experiencing the same anxiety. So, let us not only read these simple steps time and again and but also take actions accordingly.
1. Prepare: Be familiar with the syllabus. What all is covered for a particular subject. Focus more on topics which you do not know very well. Start preparing after having all the basic information about the exam with you such as
1. Prepare: Be familiar with the syllabus. What all is covered for a particular subject. Focus more on topics which you do not know very well. Start preparing after having all the basic information about the exam with you such as
- How many questions are normally asked in the exam for a particular subject.
- How is the marking, score divided among the questions.
- What format the questions are in (subjective or objective, multiple-choice)
- What is the time duration of the exam.
- Ensure your study plan includes manageable tasks/goals for you to accomplish within a reasonable period of time.
- Keep on checking yourself for getting distracted, procrastinating.
- When you have accomplished a set task/goal, strike it off your schedule/plan so you experience a sense of achievement.
- Keep a tab on your Negative Thoughts as these thoughts can throw you off your study schedule.
Few examples of negative thoughts :
- I always do poorly in exams.
- Others are far better and smarter than I am.
- If I do not pass, I am a failure.
To help yourself and be back on the track try replacing these negative thoughts with better positive thoughts such as: "I have a better study plan and schedule this time. I am well prepared. "
Whenever, you have these negative thoughts coming back to you again, remind yourself of all the positive thoughts, things, schedules you have in place for yourself.
3. Practice: Practice and Practice.
- I always do poorly in exams.
- Others are far better and smarter than I am.
- If I do not pass, I am a failure.
To help yourself and be back on the track try replacing these negative thoughts with better positive thoughts such as: "I have a better study plan and schedule this time. I am well prepared. "
Whenever, you have these negative thoughts coming back to you again, remind yourself of all the positive thoughts, things, schedules you have in place for yourself.
3. Practice: Practice and Practice.
- Time yourself and test your concentration level.
- Keep on practicing until it starts to feel natural and effortless.
- Make sure that all your studying and practicing is complete few days before the exams.
Few more tips to combat exam anxiety:
- Practice breathing techniques that will help you stay calm and focused.
- Keep all things required for an exam handy a night before so that you do not struggle finding them in the morning on the day of the exam.
- Try to avoid coming too early or too late at the centre on the day of the exam.
- If you find yourself "going blank" always remember that ACTION FIGHTS ANXIETY. Start jotting down whatever points come to your head on a paper. Once you start writing, you are more likely to recall whatever you have learnt. Take a deep breath and remember worrying is not going to do any good.
- Do not rush to start answering the questions. Take few minutes to go through the question paper. Also remember that you can skip difficult questions and always come back to them later if there is time.
- Take good six hours sleep before the exam day.
- Have balanced diet during exams and if possible make it your habit. Healthy eating habits will prove to be a boon for you throughout your life.
Role of Parents, family members:
Family plays a very vital role in keeping the mood, attitude, thoughts, morale of the student positive. Do not let your anxiety pass down to your child. Keep the home environment lively and positive. Ensure that the child has proper meals at proper time. Keep the communication channels open between you and your child. Do not judge the child based on his previous performance or by comparing him with other siblings and/or friends. Do not pressurize the child with your expectation from him/her. Be with your children like a strong pillar and let them know that you believe, trust and love them unconditionally (No Conditions Applied).
Give your children a peck on the forehead and a warm hug before they leave for their exam.
If at all your child's exam anxiety levels do not come down, consider finding a coach to help him/her come out of it. This coach could be the parents, family member, a supportive friend, or an expert in the field.
If you have any questions regarding exam anxiety or related fears, please feel free to reach out to me. I will be happy to help you help yourself.
Good Luck !!!
If you have any questions regarding exam anxiety or related fears, please feel free to reach out to me. I will be happy to help you help yourself.
Good Luck !!!
Mobile: 9810929711
The author of this article, Kavita is Founder Director and Lead Trainer of JiNa-LivingPositively - A people development organization specializing in Corporate Training, and Life-Skills Coaching based in Gurgaon. She has 14+ years of experience in the field.She is a Certified Soft-Skills Trainer, Facilitator, and also a Certified Facilitator and Parenting Coach.She is also a Certified TA CDT Coach from Feeling Minds and helps people overcome phobias, anxiety and OCD.