Apart from the various public Auto services or private Taxi operators in the town, many private companies are operating with their fleet of vehicles in the town.
You can book some through smartphone apps or online.
Taxi Services
Trips around town are now at ease with our radio cabs fleets hovering all over. The list of operators is endless.. A few commonly used easy to call or click on app are
Meru Cabs Mega Cabs Easy Cabs Ola Cabs Uber Cabs

Meru Cabs Mega Cabs Easy Cabs Ola Cabs Uber Cabs
Jugnoo Cab Gurgaon Cabs24 QuickCabs Taxi for Sure Taxi Nation
Click on links above to go to website to book/download app
Click on links above to go to website to book/download app

While you may see many autorickshaws lined up at strategic locations, market places, metro stations, but what better than getting one at your doorstep at a click. Another area where enterprising Gurgaon has tried to make life easy and mobile for everyone
AUTOnCAB (On App) www.facebook.com/AUTOnCAB
Radio Tuk Tuk 0124-2343434
Blue AutoCall 0124-4844444, 9560649996, 9560649997
Green Auto 0124-4686868, 9599224455
White Express 0124-4811111
Click on links above to go to website to book/download app
Bike Taxi Services

Go to the links below to download the apps or call them to book your ride.